Festival Schedule
Get all the details of our event broken down by the half hour.
9:00 event commencement
9:30 super short comics 6min
9:40 thats love 14min
10:00 2 self help books 21 min
10:30 road kill 22 min
10:55 dance a thin 10min
11:10 center city 11min
11:30 the new adult 30min
12:00 Lunch break
1:00 capital advice 25 min
1:40 3 trembling cities 40 min
2:30 the photographer 42min
3:20 raw footage 8min
3:40 barry baker - aspiring serial killer 24 min
4:15 winners announced
5:00 event end
The 2nd Philly TV Festival will be held on Sunday May 7th at the Venice Island Performing Arts Centre in Manayunk in Philadelphia from 9am-5pm. Directions on the venue can be found here http://www.veniceisland.org/ We will be screening semi-finalists and having a presentation on story structure for our attendees. The event is free to the public so come on out and see some great work from some amazing artists.
Sign up to our facebook page for updates to new events and information about the TV air times. https://www.facebook.com/Phillytvfest/
Our first event was a great success with so many genuinely entertaining submissions. We had such a solid group of semi-finalists for the first annual Philly TV Festival and we present them here for your enjoyment.
Thanks to all our semi-finalists for being a part of our inaugural Philly TV Festival event. You’ve blessed us with some inspiration. In this episode our semi-finalists were:
In addition you’ll see an amazing piece from the youth artists that won our first ever Philly TV Festival future producer award. Princesses vs. Dinosaurs written, directed and shot by two sisters 7 and 5 years old. Thanks Rio and Rome Roulhac for your great addition to our festival semi-finalists submissions episode.
Philly TV Festival semi-finalists submissions special from Philly TV Fest on Vimeo.
We’ve applied for our trademark and want to make the public aware that someone out there is using our name without our permission.
Please email us at info@phillytvfest.com immediately if you’ve been approached by someone about Philly TV Festival. We’ve sent a cease and desist letter to the people involved and hope to preserve our great reputation. Make sure if your working with someone that says they are Philly TV Festival that they have the proper trademark information and you confirm with us directly here.
Philly TV Festival
A warm round of applause to our #Official 2014 PhillyTV Winners!!!!
Wrongful Justice By Levi Feeney
The Devil and Red Wine By Maurice Paramore
The Book of Nimrod By Carla Morales
Getting to Know America By Everett Mason
VIEWERS CHOICE AWARDS WAS ALSO WRONFUL JUSTICE By Levi Feeney!!! Congratulations Levi Feeney for winning TWO awards!!
Each #Winner received beautiful trophies courtesy of City Engraving & Awards. One #FREE annual membership and one free workshop, courtesy of PhillyCAM!
Winners will also be #featured on our upcoming lineup of shows on Comcast Cable 66/966 or Verizon Fios 29/30! We will keep you all posted!!
Great finish to an amazing #festival weekend! If you took any pictures at the #event yesterday or today, please hashtag #phillytvfest.
#phillytvfestival #viewerschoice #philadelphia #philly#winners #officialartists
Amanda will be conducting our post speaking interviews for our great group of lecturers, speakers, and panelists. Here she is talking about the TV Festival on her show, “What’s your point of view?”
The 2-day Philadelphia Television Festival has made tickets available for the wonderful event taking place here in our great city.
To register for the Philly TV Festival visit phillytvfestival.eventbrite.com.
The festival will showcase and celebrate the medium of short form film work and web media through
panels, workshops, and presentations. Media creators are in for a powerful experience
thanks to the Inaugural Philly TV Festival (PTVF) being held on Friday
November 14th and Saturday November 15th.
The event has received the blessing of Councilman Curtis Jones Jr. who decided to present
the Philly TV Festival with a citation in City Council. The Honorable Councilman Curtis Jones Jr. shares a vision to introduce, educate, and expose attendees to the business of multimedia.
There will be a screening of video submissions and several submissions will be chosen to receive awards and recognition for their work.
For more information see the rest of our website PhillyTVFest.com, email phillytvfest@gmail.com, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,
and Instagram. Be sure to use the official hashtag #PhillyTVFest .
The councilman talks about his vision of a better Philly where the foundations of the media are built with our young philadelphians leading the way. He speaks about how the Philly TV Festival is a great event for highlighting our already rich creative culture and it’s current media makers. We’ll have the full interview available soon on the Talk the Talk television show. In the meantime, here’s a pick of the crew in the midst of a great conversation with a man whom we respect and admire.
Philadelphia TV Festival is running it’s first event on November 14th and 15th at Philadelphia’s public access station, Phillycam. The address is 699 Randstead street, or more simply the studio is on the corner of 7th and Randstead (between market st. and chestnut st.) We are accepting submissions from media makers in all genres and styles. The only requirement is that the submission is less than 4 minutes and that applicants upload their work to youtube or vimeo and send us a link at PhillyTVFestival@Gmail.com. We will have 5 winners based on production quality and overall entertainment value. Winners will be chosen by an independent group of professional media makers and awards will be handed out at the event. We will have panel discussions and speakers that will help attendees improve their skill sets and activities that will help media makers network with others in the field. Come join us this november in Philly!
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